The Chapman Sisters
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We both left school and our aunty is really a successful make-up artist. She has worked with Princess Diana as well. We were totally interested in make-up. We both did some or the other things, but eventually ended up in the much coveted world of make-up. Today it’s been 24 years and we are still doing make-up.
We don’t do that, unless it’s so obvious. On the contrary, they might love what they do, so it won’t be a good thing to approach them and tell them what’s right and what’s not. It would be a different case, if someone comes to us for an opinion.
Social Media was not something we were really keen on. We really see ourselves as the Make-up Artists. When we are not doing make-up, we are enjoying the business side of it, but we do not consider ourselves as bloggers. We feel we are fortunate to love what we do.
They do get a Pixiwoo certificate suggesting that they have completed the course at Pixiwoo.
Real Techniques has grown big today. Before, it was a family-run business. It was a great thing about teaming up with the brush brand because we can use any make-up brands and use these perfect brushes. We’ve signed off each brush that’s made for Real Techniques.
We do not disagree in terms of make-up or brushes. We do disagree on life sometimes. In terms of Make-up, if there’s something one of us doesn’t agree on, then we don’t do it. There is no second thought to it.
Nicola: I do all the work (Laughs). I am quite organized. If something comes up and needs to be done urgently, I get it done. I organize everything and tell Sam where she has to visit.
Samantha: In terms of videos, I do more of fashion-led ones and Nic does beauty-led ones.
Setting brush undoubtedly. It’s a perfect brush when you’re on the go and you can use it for all kinds of touch-ups.
The most common mistake people do is ‘Contouring’, especially contouring the nose. Contouring is really for camera; it’s never been a thing. It’s only meant to contour the front, even when you blend it, it will be visible from the sides.
Samantha: Graphic Design. I really like typography and logos. That’s the thing that drives me mad.
Nicola: I would be a nurse. I would love to be a mid-wife, I really enjoying caring and looking after people.
They are special because they are all colour coded so that you know which brush is used for what purpose. As far is skin type goes, Real Technique brushes are for all types of skin as the brushes are synthetic and can be used with liquid, powder or creams. It’s not the skin type, but the finish that you want.
Affordable. Stylish. Cutting-edge
Cleaning the brushes once in a week would take good care of the brushes. We do have brush cleaner with which proper care can be taken.